Monday, April 16, 2012

Student and Technology

One side we promote students to use technology, and in other side we are afraid with the situation of the student who spends their time in computer or technology. We can see students of college and schools are continuously hanging with computer, Internet and other technological stuff. We heard complain about students are using more technology than ever, they love to spend there time in technology. More clearly students love to spend their time in social media like facebook, twitter and google+. The question is “Is this right?”. Answer is simple “effective technology use in education is right and should promote.”. So it is necessity for an investigation into how students use information technology in college and school and how it can be harness to improve the learning experience.

Here is a simple saying "ICT is not a good substitute for good teaching. Good teachers are good with or without ICT and students learn a great deal from them. Poor teachers are poor with or without ICT and students learn little from them." Then how can we consider the affection of ICT in learning, most of the research and polling shows that majority percentage of students said IT help them for research specially google and Wikipedia.

Usage of social media by student is not just limited with status writing and chatting, Collaboration learning and group studies are practiced by them. We often got this example in different groups in social media. Another great study and resulting infographic from showcases that social media and education not only can coexist, but students excel by using social media as a collaboration and education tool.

Communication over the internet plays such a huge role in students' lives today and sadly if they aren't able to understand what can happen the consequences can be horrific. Students really need to understand their rights on the internet.I heard that a talented school girl, only 15, who had qualified to play in a state sports team in USA took her life as a result of being cyber bullied. Last year one friend of a girl abuse her by using her fake facebook account. last year one boy(school level student) killed in india by kidnapper, because the boy used to show him billionaire in facebook.

It is always more complex than it seems but at least if students were made aware of their rights on the internet as well as what to do in situations like that one, then perhaps we would see the rate of tragedies like this occurring decrease.

Better understanding the purpose and knowledge of right will lead the student in right way. Student can extend their knowledge, they are not limited with just a single book and teacher, they get the change to move ahead through internet and find out the level.

The interest of student in ICT education is not just interest in technology; there is a scope behind it. The scope of ICT is boundless, that means it is not just limited with some area, the scope is every where: the usage of ICT can be viewed independently or with other field (education, medial, finance, agriculture etc.). Student should use technology not just unknowingly, they should aware about what they are doing and their purpose for each time must clear.